• 2022-06-06
    ( ) for your advice, we’d never have been able to overcome the difficulties.
    A: Had it not,If it were not,Had it not been,If we had not been
  • C


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      青书学堂: (单选题) ___ for your advice, we’d never have been able to overcome the difficulties.

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      ______for their help, we would not have overcome the difficulties. A: Weren't B: Had it not been C: Hadn't it been D: Had it been not

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      Had it not been for their assistance, we ( not, overcome ) _____ these difficulties .

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      – What place is it? A: -Haven’t you found out we ______back where we ______? B: were; had been C: are; were D: were; have been E: are; had been

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      ‎If everything in life _____ right, we _____ fight.‏ A: had been; should never have to B: was; would never have to C: was; should never have had to D: were to; would never have had to