• 2022-06-05
    I felt in ____________ and took out some money.
    A: a pocket my coat
    B: my coat's pocket
    C: my pocket coat
    D: my coat pocket
  • D


    • 0

      My parents don't care ______ my pocket money goes,but one thing is for sure:the money spent must be worthwhile.

    • 1

      I took off my coat and hung it on the _________. A: tree B: peg C: cabinet D: hatstand

    • 2

      My coat is red, while my _____ is blue. A: sister B: sister's C: sisters D: sisters'

    • 3

      What's in your pocket?请选择合适的回答。 A: My pens are. B: My pens.

    • 4

      I undid the buttons of my coat but didn't take it off.