• 2022-06-05
    Of the following novels, which one is written by Luo Guanzhong?
    A: Water Margin
    B: Journey to the West
    C: A Dream of the Red Mansions
    D: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
  • D


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      is the first historical novel in China giving an account of the historical situations of late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era. A: The Water Margin B: Journey to the West C: Romance of the Three Kingdoms D: A Dream of Red Mansions

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      Among the following, which marked the peak of Chinese classical literature? A: Romance of Three Kingdoms B: Outlaws of the Marsh C: A Dream of Red Mansions D: Journey to the West

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      ____ reached the pinnacle of classical Chinese novels. It has long been acknowledged as the greatest novel in Chinese literature.( ) A: A Dream of the Red Mansions B: Romance of the Three Kingdoms C: Water Margin D: Journey to the West

    • 3

      Which one is not one of the four famous classic novels in Chinese literature? A: Journey to the West B: Romance of the Three Kingdoms C: Water Margin D: Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio

    • 4

      The four great classic Chinese novels are ______________. A: The Three Kingdoms B: A Dream of Red Mansions C: Huckleberry Finn D: Journey to the West