• 2022-06-05
    This product is ______ in both blue and black.
  • available


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      设计中RGB三色的颜色模式都代表()颜色。 A: red、green、blue B: Cyan、Magenta、Yellow C: Magenta、blue、black D: blue、Magenta、black

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      Black tea is so named because the tea liquid and tea leaves are reddish black.

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      Tom’s car is black. That blue one is _____. A: my B: mine C: their D: your

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      Which is most expensive() A: Black. B: Brilliant Red K-2BP. C: Brilliant Blue KNR.

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      对于enum cc {red, green, blue, black, yellow, white};Console.WriteLine(cc.red+3);则输出结果是_______ A: blue B: black C: green D: yellow