• 2022-06-05
    The basic principles to be followed in engaging in invention and creation are the principle of purpose, the principle of flexibility and ().
    A: Principle of practicality
    B: The principle of universality
    C: Group principle
    D: Economic principles
  • C


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      Which<br/>of the following are the medication use principles in the elderly? ( ) A: Benefit principle B: No more than 5 drugs principle C: Small dosage principle D: Timing principle E: Medication suspension principle

    • 1

      The basic principles observed by the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Right include( ) A: Principle of national treatment B: Principle of most favored nation treatment C: Principle of not involving exhaustion of right D: Principle of protecting public interests

    • 2

      Which principle does not belong to the four general principles of accounting? A: The accounting entity concept B: The going-concern assumption C: The time-saving principle D: The monetary principle

    • 3

      ‍Which of the following factors is not a basic principle of venture capital? ‍‍‍ A: The principle of effectiveness B: The principle of rationality C: The principle of control D: The principle of legality

    • 4

      In the understanding of communicative language teaching, three principles have been generally agreed upon, namely, ______ principle, ______ principle, and ______ principle.