• 2021-04-14
    Translate the following terminology (术语) into Chinese. civil engineering: structure: steel structure: concrete structure: frame structure: arch structure: cable-suspended structure: shear wall structure: high-rise structure: civil building:
  • 土木工程  结构  钢结构  混凝土结构  框架结构  拱结构  悬索结构  剪力墙结构  高耸结构  民用建筑


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      Under the same site category and intensity conditions, the seismic damage of steel structure building is greater than that of reinforced concrete structure building.

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      2 In the data structure, from the storage structure can be divided into ( ). A: dynamic structure and static B: sequential structure and linked structure C: compact structure and non-compact structure D: linear and nonlinear structures

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      Reinforced concrete structure is the most used structure in buildings.广泛的

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      The linked list is a linear structure adopting the storage of . A: sequential structure B: linked structure C: star structure D: net structure

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      Which of the following is the settlement pattern of Baishe Village ( )? A: Endocentric structure B: Decentralized structure C: "Chuan"font structure D: "Large"font structure