• 2022-06-05
    John was _________ when he heard a scream.
    A: terrifies
    B: terrifying
    C: terrified
    D: terrify
  • C


    • 0

      We almost had an accident on the way here. It was really _____! A: terrified B: terrifying

    • 1

      When can a fairy story terrify a child according to the author A: When it is retold too often. B: When it is improved. C: When it is heard for the first time. D: When it is told in a realistic setting.

    • 2

      I heard someone ______ when I happened to be passing through the village. A: scream B: screaming C: screamed D: eing screaming

    • 3

      He ______ worried when he heard the news.

    • 4

      He became ___________ when he heard the news.