• 2022-06-05
    Who is not a famous pianter?
    A: Xv Beihong
    B: Qi Baishi
    C: Yu Youren
    D: Pan Tianshou
  • C


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      What is the most famous opera in China? A: Huangmei Opera B: Peking Opera C: Yu Opera D: Yue Opera

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      Speaking of traditional<br/>Chinese painting, ____ is the first to express the theory of using<br/>the form to express the spirit. A: Gu Kaizi B: Wu<br/>Daozi C: Tang<br/>Yin D: Qi<br/>Baishi

    • 2

      下列姓氏的注音错误的是() A: 仇Qiú B: 解Jiè C: 乐Yuè D: 任Rér

    • 3

      Ren shen is a famous herb that can tonify( ). A: blood B: essence C: yang D: qi E: none of above

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      Yao Mimg _____ comes from Shanghai is a famous basketball star in NBA. A: who B: who C: which D: whose