• 2022-06-05
    5. I have been so moved by the _________ of donors and the passion of volunteers.‌​‌
    A: generosity
    B: generous
    C: delicate
    D: delicacy
  • A


    • 0

      I have always been grateful ________ Fred ________ the generous and helpful information when I was at the crossroads.

    • 1

      Never before ________ I been so moved by a movie. A: had B: did C: would D: when

    • 2

      ( ), I should have stayed a little longer. A: It has not been so late B: Has it not been so late C: Had it not been so late D: If it was not so late

    • 3

      I didn' t hear the sound, so I ______ asleep. A: must be B: must have been C: should be D: should have been

    • 4

      I _______ here two years ago. A: moved to B: have moved C: have moved to D: moved