• 2022-06-05
    The word "adenopathy" means _______________.
    A: disease of a gland
    B: disease of the testis
    C: disease of the pancreas
    D: disease of the pituitary
  • A


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      What are the elements of syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine? ( ) A: nature of disease B: cause of disease C: relationship between healthy qi and pathogenic factors D: location of disease

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      Which disease is transmitted by mites? A: Babesiosis B: Pediculosis C: Chagas disease D: Scabies

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of following means kidney disease?

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following means skin disease?

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      The abbreviation COPD stands for __________. A: chronic obstructive pneumonia dyspnea B: chronic olfactory pharyngitis disease C: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease D: caustic other pneumonic disease