• 2022-06-05
    The boy looks honest, but_____ he's a rogue.
    A: apparently
    B: clearly
    C: actually
    D: obviously
  • C


    • 0

      He looks handsome and gentle, but ______ he is a thief. A: usually B: actual C: truly D: actually

    • 1

      He was _____ honest boy that everyone liked him. A: so B: such C: so an D: such an

    • 2

      —Is Tony ________ honest boy? —Yes. I think he is ________ most helpful boy in our class.

    • 3

      location; claim; damage; actually He looks young, but _______ he is much the elder of the two.

    • 4

      The boy is not ________ he used to be; he looks ________. A: what; strong B: what; stronger C: that; strong D: that; stronger