• 2022-06-05
    What number in the above diagram represents when crossing over takes place?
    A: step 1
    B: step 2
    C: step 3
    D: step 4
  • C


    • 0

      【多选题】Keil C中,程序调试的单步执行操作包括 A. step into B. step out C. step over D. step

    • 1

      下列正确的语句是( ) A: FOR X=1 TO 10 STEP -2 B: FOR X$=1 TO 9 STEP 3 C: FOR 1X=10 TO 100 STEP 10 D: FOR X1=10 TO 50

    • 2

      What is the first step when responding to questions?

    • 3

      What is the first step in starting a small business? The first step is to have _________ideas.

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: 12. Step into our homes and you’ll step into a place of space and light.