• 2022-06-04
    Rhetorical questions are the questions you are asking audience and need audience to answer them.
  • 内容

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      ‍Answering the “so what” questions in the end can give the audience a feeling that the questions have been answered, tasks accomplished, and the audience inspired. ‌‍‌

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      If you want to persuade a skeptical audience, which of the following is it mostimportant for you to do in your speech? A: Define unclear terms in the introduction. B: Answer the reasons for the audience's skepticism. C: Organize the speech in problem-solution order. D: Focus the speech on questions of value.

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      The questions are difficult. I'm not likely to be able to answer them. 1 the questions are, 2 I am able to answer them.

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      中国大学MOOC: One of the effective ways for a presenter to make progress in introducing a company is to reflect the presentation by asking the audience questions on the performance.

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      Rhetorical questions are questions for which the answer is obvious or already known. It is used to make the readers think.( )