• 2022-06-04
    Where does Linda stay
    A: In hospital.
    B: B. At home.
    C: C. In school.
  • A


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      Where is Li Ming A: At home. B: B. At school. C: Not sure.

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      Conversation 2 Where does the conversation most probably take place() A: In a school. B: In a hospital. C: In a company. D: In a park.

    • 2

      M: Linda is supposed to be here at the meeting tonight. Where is she? W: She came down with the flu and had to stay at home. Q: Why didn’t Linda attend the meeting?

    • 3

      Where are Lucy and her father A: In the street. B: In the hospital. C: At home.

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      Why is she late for school A: At home. B: At school. C: In the shop.