• 2021-04-14
  • religious songs


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      Jazz Chant 15中,下面哪句英文比较适合回答“Go to the dentist.”这句话?

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      Jazz Chant 15中,下面哪句英文比较适合回答“Take some aspirin.”这句话?

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      Il chante vraiment bien, je l’ai entendu ( ). A: chanter B: chante C: chantant D: avoir chanté

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      Jazz Chant 15中,如果有人说:“I've got the hiccups”,下面哪句回答是比较合理的方案?

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      In Yi culture, shamans are known as ______ , which means the master who can chant ancient documents. A: Bimo B: Tusi C: Zushi D: Jishi