• 2022-06-05
    It was three British sportsman who __ banned drugs.
    A: were catching taking
    B: caught to take
    C: caught in taking
    D: were caught taking
  • D


    • 0

      It was three British sportsmen who ________ banned drugs.

    • 1

      The house caught fire and the people who were inside were in danger of death/ being dying. _________________________________________________________________________________________

    • 2

      6. We are glad to hear that the terrorists ________ by the brave policemen several days ago.( ) A: are caught B: were caught C: have been caught D: are going to be caught

    • 3

      We are sorry to hear that the terrorists ________ by now .A. are not caught B. were not caught C. have not been caught D. are going to be caught A: A B: B C: C D: D

    • 4

      It is hard to cheat in the exams without _____. A: catching B: being caught C: be caught D: having being caught