• 2021-04-14
    Ownership and management of a corporation consists of ( ).
  • ShareholdersDirectorsOfficers


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      The team ________ four Europeans and two Americans. A: consists of B: consists in C: consists with D: consists on

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      Civilization______ having a constructive attitude. A: consists of B: consists on C: consists about D: consists in

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      The largest producer of steel in the United States in the early years of the 20th century was ______. A: Ford Corporation B: the Steel Mill C: the United States Steel Corporation D: the West Union Corporation

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      With mortgage loans, unless and until the occurrence of default or full repayment, ______. A: the ownership of the property remains in borrowers arid the possession of property usually remains in mortgagors B: both the ownership and the possession of the property remain in mortgagors C: both the ownership and the possession of the property remain in mortgagees D: The ownership of the property remains in mortgagees and the possession of property usually remains in mortgagors

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      what is the relationship between management skill and management function? A: Management skill is the ability to carry out the function of management for reaching goals. B: management skill is another saying for management function C: management function includes mannagement skills D: management skill inclueds management function