• 2022-06-05
    Which of the following solar terms are related to winte
    A: Beginning of Winter.
    B: Slight Snow.
    C: Great Snow.
    D: Great Cold.
  • A,B,C,D


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      大雪的英文是—————— A: The Great Ice B: The Great Snow C: The Great Rain D: The Big Snow

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      Which of the following solar terms are related to autumn?

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following solar terms is in Winter?

    • 3

      Why did people celebrate ice and snow festivals?( ) A: Because ice and snow are precious. B: Because ice and snow are long-lasting. C: Because it was terribly cold in winter. D: Because they are optimistic towards life.

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      Chinese New Year is also called the Spring Festival, because it usually falls around _____.‏‏‏ A: Winter Solstice B: Start of Spring C: Beginning of Winter D: Great Cold