• 2021-04-14
    选词填空: tourists amazing unique noisy busy Nanjing Road in Shanghai is busy and __________. The traffic at the rush hour is very _______ and slow. Venice is an _______ city on water. Pandas are ________ to China. Millions of _____ visit Vienna every year.
  • noisy  busy  amazing  unique  tourists


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      The old road () A: was very busy though there was a new motorway B: was never very busy C: was always very busy and dangerous D: was very busy and dangerous before the construction of the new motorway

    • 1

      There ______ so many tourists and the traffic was really busy during that time.

    • 2

      The city could be described as a gigantic open- air museum, __________ each year by millions of tourists all over the world. A: visit B: to visit C: visited D: visiting

    • 3

      It is a very busy city, isn't it?

    • 4

      My parents _______very busy every day.