• 2022-06-05
    Friendly relationship: kiss, hold hands, pat one another5) __________________;
  • on the back


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      American boys and girls hold hands whenever they are hanging out.

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      6. Unlike Americans, Chinese workers develop a friendly relationship with their boss.

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      In the First movement: “two hands stretching up as if to hold the sky in order to harmonize Tri-jiao” ,When two hands stretch up as to hold the sky, you should turn your head while turning your hands and keep your eyes on the back of your hands.

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      In order ________ the world a friendly place. One must show a friendly face.

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      In the following answers, which one is not correct about the three types of faces? A: Self-face refers to the concern for one’s own image. B: Other-face refers to the concern for another’s image. C: Group-face refers to the concern for group’s connection. D: Mutual-face refers to the concern for one’s relationship with another party or for both parties’ images.