• 2022-06-05
    What is the second thing to do in the stage of prewriting?( )
    A: assess the writing situation
    B: organize ideas
    C: generate ideas
  • C


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      “Clustering,” a brainstorming technique, is often used to [u]      [/u] A: edit the final draft of an essay B: delete minor ideas C: organize ideas and details D: do none of the above

    • 1

      How to find the key ideas in a sentence?To figure out the key idea of a sentence, ask yourself these questions: A: Who or what is the sentence about? B: What is the person or thing doing? C: What areminor details and what are the main ideas?

    • 2

      What do we often do during a second reading of the text? A: Start writing a draft for the summary. B: Checking or highlighting main ideas and key supporting details. C: Taking notes or jotting down a list of main ideas. D: Rereading the checked or highlighted parts and reviewing the notes.

    • 3

      What is the unifying theme in all forms of brainstorming?? Judge any ideas in the beginning in order to get your ideas out.|Nothing, all forms of brainstorming are different.|; ;Do not judge your ideas at the beginning. Simply just get your ideas out.|Do not simply get your ideas out, judge the ideas.

    • 4

      Please select from the following choices the one that represents the correct order of prewriting activities. A: Brainstorming-freewriting-listing ideas B: Freewriting-brainstorming-listing ideas C: Listing ideas-brainstorming-freewriting D: ---