• 2022-06-05
    meeting agenda is very important to ____.
    A: prepare
    meeting attendees
    B: keep
    a meeting on track
    C: help
    prepare minutes of the meeting
    D: all
    of the above
  • D


    • 0

      Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to get the definition of a business meeting agenda. events attend title business plan includes [br][/br] A business meeting agenda is a_______ for a business meeting. It______elements such as the time, place and__________of the meeting, people who______the meeting, and the order of the ________to occur in the meeting.

    • 1

      Having a suitable agenda ________ (prepare) will make the meeting more efficient.

    • 2

      Danzhong( CV 17 ) is:<br/>( ) A: The meeting point of qi B: The meeting point of bone C: The meeting point of marrow D: The meeting point of blood

    • 3

      How to set up a meeting A: Make an exact time B: Touch base with the co-workers C: Prepare note book, pen and name card D: Ask some one to take the meeting minutes E: Prepare the copies of meeting schedule

    • 4

      At the close of Intel’s meetings, attendees are encouraged to mentally answer questions posted on conference room walls. The purpose of this process is to() A: help attendees write a document. B: help attendees add more to the meeting minutes and clarify the meeting purpose. C: help attendees clear their minds of doubts. D: help attendees make contributions to a document in meeting minutes.