• 2022-06-05
    Which of the following sentences you may use to ask the time?
    A: What's the time?
    B: Could you tell me the time?
    C: Excuse me, have you got the time?
    D: What time is it?
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      3. As you've got ______, maybe you could help me with the housework? A: handy time B: time on your hands C: time with your hands D: hands on time

    • 1

      Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the time? A: Not at all. B: It’s 1:15. C: You are welcome. D: That’s all right.

    • 2

      Excuse me, could you tell me the time?- ________ A: You'd better buy a watch. B: It's three thirty by my watch. C: Can you see the clock? D: It's late I think.

    • 3

      You can come to visit me you want. A: at any time B: in time C: on time D: in no time

    • 4

      Could you tell me the time? I’ve left my watch _________.