• 2022-06-05
    Seeing the ugly cartoon, Patty was not ashamed at all.
  • 错误


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      —How kind of you to come round, but why —______that all is right. A: [A] See B: To see C: Seeing D: For seeing

    • 1

      All of these little mice became his particular friends and gave him the idea for the famous cartoon character Mickey Mouse.

    • 2

      Listen to the passage and complete the chart below.In___________, Mildred and Patty Hill, two American (kindergarten) teachers, composed the song “Good Morning to All” to greet their ________________every morning.

    • 3

      Would you be interested in seeing a film tonight? - _______ A: Not at all. B: Are you sure? C: Great! I'd love to. D: You're welcome.

    • 4

      We are all looking forward to _______ you. A: seeing B: see C: saw D: seen