• 2022-06-05
    The passage is mainly about()
    A: the agriculture revolution
    B: the invention of labor-saving machinery
    C: the development of scientific agriculture
    D: the farming machinery in America
  • B


    • 0

      The agriculture revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things: the invention of labor-saving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. A: 产业革命在十八世纪就有两件事情:减少劳工工作量的机制和对于科学的发展。 B: 农业革命在十九世纪就关于两点:对于劳工工作量减少机制的发明和对农业机器的发展。 C: 十九世纪的农业革命包括两件事情:省力机械的发明和科技农业的发展。 D: 十九世纪的农业革命包括两点:工人力量节省机器的发现和农业科技的发展。 E: 十九世纪的农业进步包括两点:工人工作量节省机器的发明和农业技术的发展。

    • 1

      ( ) is established based on the principles of ecology and economics. Besides, the modern scientific and technological achievements, modern management means, effective experience of traditional agriculture are all combined, so it can be used to higher ecological and economic benefits, social benefits. A: Circular Agriculture B: Intelligent Agriculture C: Ecological Agriculture D: Green Agriculture

    • 2

      In the first division of labor,agriculture was separated from animal husbandry and hunting,and some settlements relying on agriculture were gradually formed.

    • 3

      Agriculture played an essential role in the development of civilizations.

    • 4

      1.Whatis the passage mainly about? A: Making a living. B: Saving money. C: Making finance plans. D: 空