• 2022-06-05
    The task will be fulfilled ______ if nothing prevents.
    A: ahead of schedule
    B: before hand
    C: in advance
    D: behind schedule
  • A


    • 0

      What does a negative Schedule Variance indicate A: The project is behind in the schedule. B: Up-scope is causing cost overruns. C: The project is ahead of schedule. D: The project is on schedule.

    • 1

      The project is ______ schedule again. A: on B: in C: behind D: up

    • 2

      The train arrived ______. A: ahead B: on schedule C: on time D: again

    • 3

      All the task ____ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week. A: had been fulfilled B: were fulfilled C: having been fulfilled D: een fulfilled

    • 4

      The train was half an hour behind ______ . A: allowance B: ration C: schedule D: budget