• 2022-06-05
    The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear.
    A: Can you say something about the collar?
    B: Can you say something about the caller?
    C: n/a
    D: n/a
  • A


    • 0

      The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear. A: No one is going to watch all of it. B: No one is going to wash all of it. C: n/a D: n/a

    • 1

      The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear. A: No one is going to watch all of it. B: No one is going to wash all of it.

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC: When you hear “Would you like something to drink?”, you can use the following sentences except:

    • 3

      During the business call, if you are not so sure about the information, you can say the following sentences except _________

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC:"Part III: The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. Choose the sentences you hear in each group. ";