• 2022-06-05
    A deductive method is knownas a “top-down”approach.
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      ‎Which is NOT to explain the new approach? ‌ A: The author’s perspectives. B: The weaknesses of the earlier approach. C: The reasons for the author to use the approach. D: The advantages of the approach.

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      The advantage of the deductive method of grammar presentation is ______________________________.

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      The deductive method gets straight to the point and can therefore be _______.

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      The ______ was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek. A: The Grammar-Translation Method B: The Cognitive Approach C: The Communicative Approach D: The Oral Approach

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      ‍Instead of decoding the text word by word, readers adopting the top-down reading approach the text as a whole.‏