• 2022-06-06
    Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. How long has it been since the man played basketball
    A: Less than 25 years.
    B: B. Less than 5 years.
    C: More than 5 years.
    D: More than 25 years.
  • C


    • 0

      What do we learn about the number of international students in China in 2017? A: It has increased a little than 10 years ago. B: It is as three times as 10 years ago. C: It is the same as 10 years ago . D: It has more than doubled during the past 10 years.

    • 1

      The chocolate were not produced A: for more than ten years. B: for less than ten years. C: during the World War I

    • 2

      According to the passage, when could people start using a maglev commercially A) In 5 years. C) In 20 years. B) In 10 years. D) In more than 20 years. A: According to the passage, when could people start using a maglev commercially B: In 5 years. C: In 10 years. D: In 20 years. E: In more than 20 years.

    • 3

      Pride and Prejudice was published _______________. A: more than 200 years ago B: 200 years ago C: less than 200 years ago D: nobody knows

    • 4

      Woman. How long has Alex been working on his degree Five years Man: At least that long. Question: What are they saying about Alex A: Alex will be working for at least five more years. B: Alex finished his degree long ago. C: Alex has just started working on his degree. D: Alex began his studies more than five years ago.