• 2022-06-06
    Please answer the question in English: What would life be like without scientific progress?
  • Without modern science, there would be no electricity, no modern agriculture, or modern medicine.


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      Without electricity, what ______ A: will the world be like B: would the world be like C: the world will be like D: the world be like

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      Please read page 13 of the textbook and answer the question .What do the roots "sum and sumpt" mean?

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      Below is a student's answer to the question "What is microeconomics?" If you were the instructor, how would you correct the student's answer?

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      Q: What did Emily think life in Santa Fe would be like?

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      Please answer the question: (请以附件形式上传朗读音频,并把你的答案写在下面的方框中) What do you like to do in your free time?