• 2022-06-06
    I was too busy to play, so he went outside without me.
    A: simple sentence
    B: compound sentence
    C: complex sentence
  • B


    • 0

      One will never stop until one reaches one's goal. A: Simple Sentence B: Compound Sentence C: Complex Sentence D: Compound Complex Sentence

    • 1

      20. Since I don't own a car, I take the bus to school. A: simple sentence B: compound sentence C: complex sentence

    • 2

      The old man always tells the children stories about the heroes in the Long March. A: Simple Sentence B: Compound Sentence C: Complex Sentence D: Compound Compound Sentence

    • 3

      Yoga not only helps in prevention of lifestyle diseases, but it can also be a powerful adjunct therapy of these diseases. A: Simple Sentence B: Compound Sentence C: Complex Sentence D: Compound Complex Sentence

    • 4

      There are four types of sentence: simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound and complex sentence. Read the following sentences carefully and choose the sentences that belong to simple sentence. A: Young people and adults enjoyed them. B: My friends and I play golf and go bowling on holidays. C: The film entertained and thrilled audiences everywhere. D: My sister is married.