• 2022-06-06
    noun. If you refer to the w______ of a particular person or thing, you mean the place where that person or thing may be found.
  • whereabouts


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      used to emphasize that you are talking about every person or thing in group: ______

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      If something is_______ to a particular thing, person, or situation, it belongs or relates only to that thing, person, or situation. A: part B: peculiar C: literal D: implicit

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      the careful choice of a particular person or thing from a group of similiar people or things.( )

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      翻译To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

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      Guts may refer to_____________. A: digestive tract B: belly C: the inner workings of a thing D: the basic visceral or emotional part of a person