• 2022-06-06
    We are invited to a party ____ in our club next week.
    A: to hold
    B: being held
    C: to be held
    D: to have been held
  • C


    • 0

      The conferences in Beijing next week is bound to be a great success. A: holding B: eing held C: to hold D: to be held

    • 1

      The management have spent the whole day discussing the schedule of the meeting _______ next year. A: hold B: held C: to hold D: to be held

    • 2

      When will the party ______? A: is hold B: held C: holds D: be held

    • 3

      ____the English evening will be held next week has not been announced.

    • 4

      Mr. Wang asked us to make preparations for the meeting__next week. A: eing held B: held C: to be held D: to hold