• 2022-06-06
    Which sentences in the following conversation should go with a rising tone?A: When?①B: Tomorrow.A: When?②B: Tomorrow.A: Tomorrow?③ B: Yes, tomorrow.④ ( )
    A: ②
    B: ①
    C: ③
    D: ④
  • A,C


    • 0

      When will the man come to help the woman A: Tomorrow morning. B: Tomorrow afternoon. C: That night. D: That afternoon.

    • 1

      Will you go to<br/>the park ___?() A: on tomorrow B: tomorrow

    • 2

      When will the customer come tomorrow?

    • 3

      When can Steven come to see Mr. Smith A: At three this afternoon. B: At ten tomorrow morning. C: At three tomorrow afternoon.

    • 4

      I'll go on with the work _________I come back tomorrow A: while B: when C: as soon as D: as