• 2022-06-06
    Neither too hot in summer _____ too cold in winter.
    A: A. not
    B: B. or
    C: C. nor
    D: D. and
  • C


    • 0

      中国大学MOOC: Neither too hot in summer _____ too cold in winter._

    • 1

      It's ___________too hot in summer _______ too cold in winter for me to stay in Kunming. A: both...and B: as...as C: neither...nor D: would rather...than

    • 2

      The weather in Britain is ____too cold in winter___too hot in summer. A: either; or B: both; and C: neither; nor D: or; and

    • 3

      The weather is neither too cold _______ too hot. A: and B: but C: nor D: or

    • 4

      "People can also have summer in winter," means "It is sometimes too () in winter." A: warm B: cool C: cold D: rainy