• 2022-06-06
    Questions 17-20 are based on an interview in a TV show. What is the show "behind the Scene" about
    A: Interesting people from the media.
    B: Fascinating and somewhat misunderstood jobs.
    C: TV programs and their producers.
    D: Fascinating and informative TV programs.
  • B


    • 0

      What may happen to children after watching nature programs on TV?

    • 1

      What is NOT true of the American TV show the Bachelor?

    • 2

      What TV show did the man watch?

    • 3

      What types of TV show did Nala mention?

    • 4

      Questions 19-22 are based on the following talk: What is the passage mainly about A: Making advertisements. B: Learning one’s mother tongue. C: Learning foreign languages. D: Introducing TV programs.