• 2022-06-06
    ____ I were you, I would certainly have not done such a silly thing.
    A: What
    B: If
    C: That
    D: Who
  • B


    • 0

      If I were you, I'd talk ____ someone _____ looks friendly. A: to, what B: for, who C: to, who D: for, what

    • 1

      - I don’t know what to do. - If I D you, I buy a guidebook. A: am; will B: am; would C: were; will D: were; would

    • 2

      A: I have two tickets for tonight"s concert. Could you go with me B: I"d like to, but I"m busy tonight. A: ______. A: All my work goes for nothing. B: What a pity. I"m sorry. C: How could I do such a silly thing D: Is it just as what you said

    • 3

      If I ______ you ,I would do what I should do. A: am B: was C: were D: be

    • 4

      If I were you, I _____<br/>the job. A: would<br/>accept B: would<br/>have accepted