• 2022-06-06
    He wants to buy the milk in plastic bags, as he doesn’t have to wash them.
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      Why won’t the man take a holiday this year A: He doesn’t want to have a holiday. B: He doesn’t have enough money for a holiday. C: He isn’t sure if he should take a holiday.

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      Why doesn’t George eat his chocolate cake A: He doesn’t like it. B: He has a toothache. C: He wants to eat it later. D: He has some trouble with the cakes.

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      How much does one pillow cost A: He doesn’t have such a plan. B: He wants to know who has told this to her. C: He loves the idea of going abroad. D: He feels insulted.

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      In this part, you will hear 5 short conversations. A: He doesn’t agree with the woman. B: He agrees with the woman. C: He wants to argue with the woman. D: He wants to know the reason.

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      He doesn't have much friends.