• 2022-06-06
    According to Porter, when there are many alternative products or services to the ones your business provides:()
    A: threat
    of substitute products or services is high.
    B: supplier
    power is high.
    C: buyer
    power is low.
    D: threat
    of substitute products or services is low.
  • A


    • 0

      In order to sell your products or services well, you have to clearly explain your products or services, identify their features and benefits and explain what needs it satisfies in the market place.

    • 1

      Many new products are______. A: more technical in nature. B: low price. C: high price.

    • 2

      According to the<br/>author, Chile’s greatest attraction is _________. A: the unspoiled<br/>beaches B: the dry and hot<br/>desert C: the famous<br/>mountain range D: the high standard<br/>of services

    • 3

      Which of the following ( ) is not helpful for the protection of scarce resources A: Material substitute B: Increment of material uses C: Selling services instead of products D: Using eco-materials

    • 4

      When introducing a company’s products, we should provide a top-level description of the products or services it provides.