• 2022-06-06
    POP广告是( )。
    A: point of product
    B: point of promotion
    C: point of purchasing
    D: point of point
  • C


    • 0

      语句inta=10,*point=&a;()其值不为地址。 A: point B: &a C: &point D: *point

    • 1

      Your question is ____________. A: beside the point B: point of view C: to point

    • 2

      Please _____ the mistakes in this sentence. A: Point to B: point for C: point out

    • 3

      下列代码中: class Point{ int x,y; public: Point(int a, int b=0); //① Point(Point &aPoint); //②Point(Point *p); //③ 默认的构造函数是 A: ① B: ② C: ③ D: 没有

    • 4

      Confidence is good ________, but you cannot be proud. A: up in a point B: up to a point C: up on a point D: up of a point