• 2021-04-14
    The intercultural field split its orientation into divergent directions after it came into being in the U.S. , studying the following except ______
  • issues about world peace


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      When you’re involved in divergent thinking, there are some key principles to remember, including all of the following, except .

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      The Pilgrims came to America after being ______ for their religious beliefs. (persecution

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      Which of the following is a new idea that came into being in the 1950s? </p></p>

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      After studying the case, the judge found the accused man . A: innocently B: being innocent C: innocent D: to be innocent

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      中国大学MOOC: According to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s theory the orientations to the question about relationship between humanity and its natural environment include the following except .