• 2022-06-06
    The patient should be _______ from the others.
    A: separated
    B: separable
  • A


    • 0

      ______ advocate “art for art’s sake”. To them, art should be separated from life and politics.

    • 1

      ______ should one help each other, ______ he should learn from others. A: Both; and B: Neither; nor C: Not only; but D: Either; or

    • 2

      We should learn from those ____ are always ready to help others. A: that B: who C: whom D: they

    • 3

      ______ should one help each other, ______ he should learn from others. A: Both; and B: B. Neither; nor C: Not only; but D: D. Either; or

    • 4

      She will not submit to ___________ from her boyfriend. A: be separated B: separate C: been separated D: being separated