• 2022-06-06
    Match the three people to the jobs which suit them best.Pola: I like to dress up as a princess and play with children.
    A: picking fruit
    B: dressing up in Disneyland
    C: chasing hot air balloons
  • B


    • 0

      Please_______the main points of the text in three sentences. A: sum up B: sum it up C: sum them up D: summary up

    • 1

      My cousin is three years old and she likes dressing ____ (up/on) as a fairy.

    • 2

      I live near their hotel, so they _______ me _______. A: asked; pick them up B: asked; to pick them up C: ask; pick up them D: ask; to pick up them

    • 3

      The word "retrospective" is made up of three morphemes. Which of them is a root A: retro-. B: spect. C: -ire. D: trospe

    • 4

      The word "retrospective" is made up of three morphemes. Which of them is a root A: retro-. B: spect. C: -ire. D: trospec.