• 2022-06-06
    All this gracious living isn't for me; I ______ the simple life. (preference)
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      [音频] Segment 2 The stuff is all garbage. If it isn’t __________in a way that________to me, then I’m just warehousing garbage. If things have their place and I know where they are, then this is a stock pile of valuable material. These things are __________to me, but not if I can’t ________them and_________where they are.

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      I found myself reflecting on how living and breathing tech has let me experience some of the most rewarding moments of my life … (Para. 8) A: I found myself thinking that tech is living and breathing and has offered me some of the most rewarding moments of my life … B: I was thinking about how immersing myself in tech has offered me some of the most rewarding moments of my life …

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      Imagine all the people living life in _4______ .

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      I am always early for most events in my life. The __________ is: I keep all the clocks in my life 10 minutes fast!

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      ​The main reason for this is that people are living a happier life.‍ A: difficult B: necessary C: simple D: chief