• 2022-06-06
    The two parties agreed with each other at April 5th 2005, and then they entered into a contract at April 8th 2005. The contract got approval from the government of one party at July 1st 2005, and got the approval from the government of the other party at July 8th 2005. Now the effective date of the contract is [ ] .
    A: April 5th , 2005
    B: April 8th , 2005
    C: July 1st , 2005
    D: July 8th , 2005
  • D


    • 0

      The figure like1/10/2005 in British English will be understood as January10, 2005, while in American English will be understood as October1, 2005.

    • 1

      The Insurance Public Publicity Day in China is A: July 8th B: Dec 8th C: Jan 8th D: Apr 8th

    • 2


    • 3

      2005×20062006-2006×20052005=______。 A: 2006 B: 2005 C: 1 D: 0

    • 4
