• 2022-06-06
    Some older children fight with their parents and then leave home.
  • run away


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      Some parents send their children to school for no other reason than because they would otherwise have to look after them all day.The sentence implies . A: some parents realize the importance of education B: some parents do not love their children at all C: some parents themselves are uneducated D: some parents think looking after children is a burden or troublesome thing

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      ‎When Confucius said, "Children should not travel far when their parents are still alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.", he meant that children should not make their parents anxious about them while away from home.‏

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      When the children returned home, _____________, parents began to complain.

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      Parents always expect their children quiet at home, but______.

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      英译汉: Never leave home without your parents' permission.