• 2022-06-06
    Frank likes ________.
    A: swimming and fishing.
    B: surfing and fishing.
    C: surfing and swimming.
  • C


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      Which do you like_____, skating, swimming or fishing? A: more B: most C: better D: best

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      Synchronized swimming, athletic swimming, diving and water ball are the disciplines of sport swimming.

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      The crocodile attacked Ms Pethrick when she was ______. A: swimming in the river B: standing on the river bank C: watching the crocodile D: fishing in the water

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      To be frank, I like ___________,but now I don't like_________today because of the bad weather. A: fishing; fishing B: to fish; to fish C: tpfish; fishng D: fishing; to fish

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      W: Oh, you are here, John. I thought you were swimming with the others.M: I changed my mind at the last minute. What does John mean(). A: He will go swimming. B: He likes swimming very much. C: He didn’t go swimming.