• 2022-06-06
    To learn English well, read () after class.
    A: so much as possible
    B: as possible as you can
    C: as much as you can
    D: as many as possible
  • C


    • 0

      It’s possible to get $100 a day in this company, and some day you can get ______. A: much B: more C: little D: fewer

    • 1

      You should listen to English as much as possible to get used to____. Listen to ____,listen to podcast, and watch ____.

    • 2

      Anything is possible, and you can make ___________.

    • 3

      It doesn’t make sense to spend so much on this phone when you can buy a much cheaper one with similar functions. A: seem responsible B: make it possible C: tell anything D: have a good reason

    • 4

      You should speak English ______. A: as much as you could B: as much as you can C: as more as you can D: as much as possibly