• 2022-06-06
    Malaria is an infectious disease caused by infection of ( )
    A: Ascaris lumbricoides
    B: Onchocerca volvlus
    C: Onchocerca cervicalis
    D: Plasmodium
  • D


    • 0

      The clinical uses of lindamycin involve A: the acute or chronic osteomyelitis caused by S aureus B: gram-negative anaerobic infection, aerobic infection C: gram-positive anaerobic infection D: the infection caused by Enterococci

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      Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.nausea/ symptom/ infectious/ viral/ contaminate/ cough/ complication1.Influenza is an ( ) disease caused by an influenza virus.

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      机会性致病寄生虫 A: Pneumocystis carinii B: Tozoplasma gondii C: Cryptosporidium parvum D: Strongyloides stercoralis E: Ascaris lumbricoides

    • 3

      Which nemotode whose juvenile can cause damage to human skin _( )_ A: ascaris lumbricoides B: whipworm C: trichinella spiralis D: hook worm

    • 4

      The basic features of infectious disease are A: There are infectivity, pathogen, epidemic, immunity. B: There are infectivity, patients, immunity, epidemic. C: There are source of infection, route of transmission, susceptibility, immunity. D: There are infectivity, epidemic, endemic, relapse. E: There are pathogen, reinfection, epidemic, immunity.