• 2022-06-06
    Found in the chromatin of all eukaryotic cells, histones have molecular weights between 11,000 and 21,000 and are very rich in the basic amino acids arginine and lysine which together make up about _____ of all the amino acid residues.
    A: 1/6
    B: 1/5
    C: 1/4
    D: 1/3
  • B


    • 0

      3.A 6-year-old African American girl with speech delay is found to have a large, abnormal peak when blood amino acids are measured. The abnormal amino acid migrates toward the cathode, indicating a positively charged side group in addition to its carboxyl and amino groups. Which of the following amino acids is most probable?

    • 1

      What<br/>about inserting a base into the coding region of a gene?() A: No<br/>impact B: It<br/>will change all amino acid sequences of the protein downstream of the<br/>insertion point C: Depending<br/>on the insertion point, it may have different effects on the protein D: An<br/>amino acid will be inserted into the protein sequence E: Three<br/>amino acids will be inserted into the protein sequence

    • 2

      Proteins are large biological molecules consist of which of the following amino acids?: D-α-amino acids|D-β-amino acids|L- and D-β-amino acids|L-α-amino acids|L-β-amino acids

    • 3

      人们常说的某计算机的内存是6 GB,就是指它的容量为( )字节。 A: 6×1 024×1 024×1 024 B: 6×1 000×1 000×1 000 C: 6×1 024×1 024 D: 6×1 000×1 000

    • 4

      The amino acids belonging to the pyruvate family includes: A: alanine B: valine C: lysine D: leucine